Sunday 24 March 2013

Six Months of Knowledge

Living the Good Life in the U.G. 

We have just passed our 6 month anniversary of our arrival here in Kampala.  After reviewing of our time I’ve come up with the following list of lessons learned. 

Things I’ve learned in my first 6 months
  •   Wear sunglasses and avoid eye contact with the traffic police so when they try to pull you over you can pretend you didn’t see them and keep driving.

  •   Guinness Foreign Stout is not the same as Guinness. 

  •  When buying Raybans from a vendor it’s a good idea to buy two because they will soon be broken. 

  •    Although you have to obey the traffic laws, motorcycles and farm animals do not. 

  • When playing chicken with a baboon I will lose. 

  •  “I’m coming” can mean I’ll be there in a few days.

  •  Playing in the Nile is Awesome but the Bilharzia sickness you get a month later sucks.

  •  When buying something always ask for a bonus.  

  •    If you have furniture made it will probably look nothing like what you asked for.   

  •   You can transport anything on the back of a boda (motorcycle).

  •   Storks kind of freak me out.

  •   Anything can pass as a foreign drivers license (a friend of mine uses his tae kwon do id).

  •   When it looks like your kids are playing with a rubber lizard it’s actually a real but dead lizard. 


  1. Wow... sounds just like life in New York City!

  2. I love your blog Dave! Thanks for chronicling the adventure.

  3. GUINNESS FOREIGN EXTRA IS SOOOOO GOOOOOD. And you can't get it in the States. So much better than the Extra Stout. Not even close. Enjoy it while you got it.
