Monday 14 January 2013

Ins Outs and What Have Yous

Getting some quality time with the Rhinos

It’s been a little over three months since landing in Entebbe Airport, and getting started on our new life as Ugandan residents.  It was, as expected, a rough first couple days.  At a guest house in the middle of one our first nights my son, frustrated that he couldn’t sleep because of the time change, and thirsty because we didn’t have any drinkable water yelled out, “Africa is the worst country ever!!!”  Resisting the urge to give a quick geography lesson on the difference between a country and continent, we reassured him that it would get better. 

Now we are getting to the point that it is confusing where we are referring to when we say “home.”  I see this as a positive step.  As we continue to progress in making this home I plan to chronicle some of our lives as expats in Kampala. 
            I’m a little bit of an odd bird around these parts.  I have yet to meet another stay at home dad, Ugandan or Muzungu (white man).  When I have the kids with me at market or at the one playground, it’s common for people to say, “hello where is their mother.”  Growing tired of this question I’ve contemplated saying she’s dead and burst into tears to see their reaction.  I guess I didn’t move here to blend in anyways. 
           All in all there are some pretty outstanding things about living here.  While most of my friends back in the states are bundled up and worried about their heating bills, I’m sitting outside at a café with palm trees overhead and have Dr. Seus-esque looking birds flying overhead.  When I need an adrenaline rush all I need to do is flag down a Boba Boda motorcycle taxis and go for a ride (70% of broken bones in Kampala are Boda related).  This past Saturday my wife and two kids spent the morning hiking in the rain forest, followed by a lunch of roasted bananas and chicken on a stick bought from street vendors.  Being odd is a small price to pay for outstanding climate and adventures.  


  1. So great to hear an update from you guys. I miss seeing you at the Children's Museum. Way to live out this grand adventure!!


  2. Good call on starting a blog, Dave. I have loved reading/seeing all of your Facebook posts on your new life in Kampala, and I'll look forward to reading the blog now too!
