Monday 14 January 2013

Uganda Observations

Getting used to different types of roadblocks

Not having the energy to write long communications about our transition to Uganda I resorted to short Observations on my Facebook page.  Here they are repackaged for your reading pleasure.  Somehow I lost observation 10, but I guess it wasn’t memorable anyways. 
Uganda Observation 14: According to the doctor I have an excess of yeast in my intestines which is common for recent arrivals. Who knew something that could bring so much joy in my life (ie bagels, beer, pizza, etc) could bring so much pain. At least I'm on the mend!

Ugandan Observation # 13: Not sure what's more annoying when the power goes out. The lack of electricity, or the sound of the neighbor's generator mocking me.

Ugandan Wildlife

Uganda Observation  #12: Even in Uganda you can catch Bieber Fever.

Uganda Observation #11: There's a vodka and gin company here that advertises 1. no hangovers and 2. makes you smell great. I don't think it would take too much work to disprove both points.

Wrangling the kiddos

Uganda Observation #9: There are no parks in Kampala. I want to make a park in my neighborhood so all the kids can play together instead of playing alone behind compound walls. I could be like Leslie Knopp... but in Uganda.

Uganda Observation #8: Going to bed under a mosquito net makes me feel like I'm a kid pretending to go camping in my bedroom.

Walking around da hood

Uganda Observation #7: Urban Farming is not a fad here. It just is. Walking around my neighborhood I pass chickens, avocado, and banana trees, corn, squash, and tomatoes. Pretty cool.

Uganda Observations #6: You can get Heinz Ketchup (412 Represent!).  Even better is that it is made with sugar instead of corn syrup.

Croc Tail!!!

Uganda Observation #5: Uganda is a Libertarian Paradise. No wasted tax dollars on those pesky things like quality roads, schools, or social services.

Uganda Observation #4: Apparently my dvd player is not dual voltage. There was a lot of smoke.

I'm the king of the world!

Uganda Observation # 3: When going to watch a football (aka soccer) game on the equator one should really wear a hat or sunscreen. I am one crispy muzungo. Related observation: bottles of cheap gin seem to be an odd choice for the most popular beverage at such an event.

Uganda Observation # 2: Razor wire on walls around houses equals an increase in punctured soccer balls.... in-turn resulting in an increase of crying little boys.

Uganda Observation #1: You can flush toilet paper. Say what you want about the Brits, at least they got that right.  

I'm a big fan of these ladies 

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